Conversations with Robots: Voice, Smart Agents & the Case for Structured Content

  1. What is the difference between structured content and semantic HTML?
  2. Structured content controls what we, humans, see on our screens. It communicated content relationships visually to us. Semantic HTML defined how a machine interprets the information, it describes the kind of information (<ol> vs <ul>) and how it relates to information around it (an <h3> element is subordinate to an <h2> element).

  3. How do they work together?
  4. Structured content and semantic HTML work hand-in-hand to display information is a comprehensible way to humans, while also providing algorithms with appropriate info that makes searches more effective.

  5. Why is it important to have structured content and semantic HTML in your web pages?
  6. It is important to have both elements on your web pages because you want your content relationships and information hierarchies to be understandable by both humans and machines. This will make the information on your website more easily accessible and readable.

Website Ideas

  1. I like how this webpage by IBM is formatted.

  2. Here is another example of the formatting that I want by DeepLearning.AI. I also want to implement beginner-friendly images .

  3. I also like the open format of this webpage by SAS.

"Banishing Your Inner Critic" and "Procrastination"