Travel To Hogwarts

Discover Hogwarts!

Come explore the amazing sights and experiences that the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry has to offer! From the castle and grounds themselves to the entertaining shops in Hogsmeade, this area offers a wonderous experience for you and your family. Experience the never-before-seen magic that comes from movies in a real-life setting that transports you into a fantasy world!

Amazing Alumni: The Golden Trio

This esteemed learning institution is honored to have graduated the famous Golden Trio: Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, and The Boy Who Lived, Harry Potter. During their time at Hogwarts, the trio battled Lord Voldemort and his Death Eater, eventually gaining victory over He Who Shall Not Be Named in their seventh year. After graduating, all three went on to hold positions of power in the wizarding world: Mr. Potter became a highly acclaimed Auror, Ms. Granger went on to be Headmistress of our own prestigious establishment, and Mr. Weasley followed in his father's, Arthur Weasley's, footsteps and became the Head of Muggle Affairs in the Ministry of Magic.

Wrecked and Restored

The Battle of Hogwarts was the final conflict of the Second Wizarding War. It took place in the early hours of 2 May 1998, within the castle and on the grounds of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the mountainous region of Scotland. When the Dark wizard Lord Voldemort learned that his archenemy Harry Potter had secretly ventured into the castle to locate and destroy one of his final Horcruxes, Ravenclaw's Diadem, he ordered every single Death Eater and dark creature that had ever pledged loyalty to him to launch a massive attack on the school. The battle ended with a decisive victory for the Order of the Phonenix and Dumbledore's Army, with many Death Eaters killed or captured and Voldemort himself dead. Luckily, the castle as since been rebuilt and is ready for visitors!


Explore the grounds of the Hogwarts Castle, take a trip into Hogsmeade, play a game of Quidditch, and more!


Discover the tasty treats offered in the Great Hall, the local Three Broomsticks, Hog's Head, and Honeydukes!


Read this page to learn about the decision-making behind the creative design of this website!

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