Design Statement

The Process

My goal for this website was to create a neat, comprehensible travel website. In order to achieve this, I made sure to use easy-to-read fonts and large font sizes. I chose one serif font, Alegreya, and one sans serif, Candal. I wanted the contrast between the two types of font to help clearly establish a hierarchy of text.

I chose the color palette to be more geared towards browns and yellows. The earthy tones are warmer to look at create a more homey feeling. I wanted to website to be easy on the eyes, and I think the color palette is more appealing to look at. For a couple of the photos, I chose to make the background of the text match a color in the photo rather than stick to the brown color palette. I felt it was necessary to avoid clashing colors and creating disharmony. I also wanted to contrast dark and light colors, alternating which was which between the background color and text color so that it did not appear too monotonous.

All of the images used were chosen to portray how the environment feels when you are actually there, whether that be cold (which was more blue) or warm (which was more brown and yellow). I wanted to try to show how the environment might feel in person.

I wanted a menu bar across the top that stayed constant across all pages, as well as a footer across the bottom containing the CTA buttons. I wanted all of the buttons to change color when you hover over them, so that it is clear that they are links. I did the same with linking the other pages on the bottom of the homepage. The goal was to make any links as obvious as possible so that people can find information as leasily as possible.
